Organic learning at a child's pace
Over the course of a lifetime, a person develops inaccuracies in the execution of everyday movements, which become habitual. Our personal history, upbringing, culture, injuries, illnesses and the events that shape our lives contribute to the formation of these habitual patterns of physical and emotional behaviour. At a later stage, these habits can cause a degeneration in functioning, which, in turn, leads to pain, injury, difficulty and self-limitation.
Dr. Feldenkrais believed that the body and mind are an inseparable whole hence, the improvement of physical functioning through movement influences not only our physical capacity, but the emotional and intellectual aspects of our personality.
The body pattern of anxiety, a term coined by Dr. Feldenkrais, describes the connection between behaviour and the somatic manifestations of anxiety. Tension and anxiety cause a chain of physical reactions, such as increased muscle tone, holding the breath, accelerated pulse rate, and perspiration. These phenomena affect posture and movement.
The Feldenkrais Method uses observation of one’s functional abilities and movement patterns. From this understanding, one can:
Discover physical habits that have developed and interfere with performance and function
Engage in a process of learning to find alternative ways
Improve co-ordination, orientation, and balance
Encourage curiosity and develop awareness skills
Develop sensitivity and flexibility
Cope with tension and anxiety
Reclaim efficient movement and functioning
Minimise injury, physical and emotional stress
Experience greater satisfaction and joy in life
During Feldenkrais Method lessons, students can experience a new self-awareness that connects movement, sensation, thought, emotions, and imagination. The Method's unique noncompetitive and self-paced learning environment allows participants to discover their full, personal potential.
The Feldenkrais Method® is taught in two ways:
Group AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT® (ATM) lessons are suitable for people of all backgrounds, physical capabilities and ages who are interested in learning. Each class is an exploration of some aspect of human movement and function and an opportunity to engage in self-motivated learning. Through this gentle process participants can increase their awareness and observational skills whilst improving movement quality, efficiency and capacity.
Individual FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION® lessons are hands-on sessions specifically designed to meet the learning needs of an individual. Lessons can be given to address a variety of issues such as pain or injury, loss of movement, or to improve posture, vitality and functional capacity. Functional Integration lessons are suitable for everyone - from babies and young children needing specific developmental support, to athletes and performing artists who are looking to find a greater level of refinement and everyone in between.
Throughout the world, the Feldenkrais Method® is growing in recognition and in its relevance to infant development, the sciences, the arts and in the field of pain management and injury rehabilitation. The applications of the method are broad and wide-ranging. Today there are active Feldenkrais centers and certified Feldenkrais Practitioners in the United States, Europe, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, throughout Asia, Mexico, South America and many other locations.
The Feldenkrais Method
The FELDENKRAIS METHOD®, developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, is a revolutionary and remarkable approach to the exploration and improvement of human movement and function. It is based on the brain’s innate capacity for learning and the potential for lifelong development, refinement and growth.
Movement along with thinking, sensing and feeling, is one of the mediums through which we act in response to our environment. The Feldenkrais Method® offers a unique learning process that enables a person to fulfill his or her physical and emotional potential through developing self awareness.
“Movement is life, without movement, life is unthinkable”
- Moshe Feldenkrais.